Top 5 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
H-DAD friend, Necia Bonner shares her top tips for better sleep.
We’ve all been there….waking up groggy in the morning, dashing down a lethally strong cup of coffee, and dragging ourselves sleepily to the office. Isn’t there a better way? Science thinks so. Try some of the these tried and true tips for a better night’s sleep. Tomorrow morning’s version of you will thank you.
1 - CUT OUT SCREEN TIME BEFORE BED- Okay, let’s be real, just limit it. I know. It’s hard. The blue light from our ubiquitous screens disrupts the Melatonin production in our bodies and can cause sleep disturbances. Spend a few quick minutes on your phone and then try out a good old fashioned print book or magazine.
2 - MAKE YOUR BEDROOM COOL, DARK, QUIET- This one is easy. Crank down the A/C and go ahead and buy those cute black-out curtains you’ve had your eye on. Go ahead, it’s for your health!
3 - STICK TO A SLEEP SCHEDULE- I can personally attest to this one. I’ve had a sleep routine for so long that my body now wakes up on its own without my alarm clock. Establishing a sleep routine will help your body not only wake up easier, but also fall asleep easier too.
4 - EXERCISE- Here’s one I’m really bad at doing. Regular exercise can help work out the excess stress in your brain and body and thus aid you in falling asleep faster and staying asleep.
5 - START A SLEEP RITUAL- Just like the bedtime story that was read to you at night as a child, a regular routine involving the same activity each night can set your brain up well to fall asleep. A cup of hot tea, bath salts, new candles. Get it in the Amazon cart and into your bedroom.
Sweet Dreams!