Houston Design After Dark

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HDADdy Valentine’s Day Special

Best list of thoughtful ideas, hacks and trends for Valentine’s Day 2023.


Trending – celebrate date night for Valentine’s Day a day or two in advance.  Avoid the crowds, the pre fixe meals, higher prices, and less-romantic atmosphere.

Repair – repair a piece of jewelry or watch that your loved one may not be wearing. 

Get-a-way – plan a special long weekend get-a-way for your loved one or friends.  Find that special location to celebrate your love.

Hike – plan a long walk or hike and visit local and regional trails or parks with a friend or loved one.

Hobbies – try something new and explore a creative class like woodworking, painting, crafts, or self-love. 

Happy New Year – revisit those annual goals or resolutions for upgrades or maintenance to activate those results.

Volunteer – share with friends or loved one a day of volunteerism. 

Spirituality – explore or reignite spirituality to make a connection with calming and loving experience. 

Reconnect – reconnect with a friend or loved one with a post, phone call or written letter.

Motivate – motivate friends and loved ones to share and learn about loving and compassionate behavior.